The Bell design group is a multi-discipline team that will take the time to anticipate their customers’ needs from the management, engineering, and operations staff and to identify, evaluate and document the total concept of the project requirements.
With an average of over 25 years of experience, Bell’s process engineers have the technical expertise and practical aptitude to meet your biggest challenges. Bell engineers and designers take the time to interview their customers’ management, engineering, and operations staff to identify, evaluate and document the full package of the project requirements. From there the Bell team will brainstorm the project for innovative and elegant opportunities to provide commercial advantage and adaptability for the future.
Then, using the latest in process and simulation software, the Bell team will take the project from conceptual design through process design, providing all the pertinent documentation, including PFD’s, P&ID’s, material and energy balances, controls and automation, regulatory and permitting requirements, and risk and feasibility evaluations.
Engineering Design is where a project can make or break, and the Bell team has shown time and again that they have the expertise and capability to provide complete and efficient design packages. Bell’s multi-disciplined yet integrated approach results in cost effective designs which are buildable, safe, cost-effective, and easy to operate and maintain. Using the latest 2-D and 3-D design technology, the Bell team considers all aspects of the design to produce all the documentation required for a design package, including civil and mechanical, piping, electrical and instrument, firewater and other safety systems, automation and control drawings. The Bell team can also work with the customer to develop control, automation, and operating manuals, if needed.
Bell can provide a design package that is tailored to the customer’s needs, whether a minimal package for installation by an in-house maintenance department, or a full-scope design package for procuring bids from major construction firms. Bell Engineering has a proven track record of capability to adapt and perform.
The Bell Engineering team likes to get their hands dirty, meaning we excel at bringing the design package from the document phase to the completed installation. Working hand-in-hand with the customer’s construction team, the Bell team will provide all the support and oversight needed to ensure the installation meets or exceeds all the requirements and capabilities of the process born in the engineering and design phases. Bell’s construction services include procurement and direct supervision of contractors for small projects, to advisory and support services for large projects.
Bell Engineering provides the full-range of project management services, including procurement of major equipment, supplies, and contractors, monitoring and reporting of real-time costs, schedule, and scope, and risk evaluations. We are known as problem solvers, and have been called in to save projects at risk of overruns or failure. With our integrated, client-oriented approach, the Bell team will provide support to complete project management and control as needed. Bell Engineering utilizes the latest PM software and applications to track and control costs, schedule, and scope, and to address project risks before they impact project health.
Whether the project is $2 thousand or $10 million, Bell Engineering will provide their extensive project management expertise to meet the customer’s specific needs.
Rather talk than type? Call now for a consultation (409) 745-2877
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